What Communities Should Do Before Providing COVID-19 Vaccines

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Authorization of COVID-19 vaccines has started, so different local governments and groups look into providing it for their own communities. When doing this, it is best to prepare the people first before giving them anything. People’s health is on the line, so you should make sure that they are aware of what it is and what it entails.

The COVID-19 vaccine would greatly help your community as not many people know how to get a hold of it. Before you start taking orders, make sure that you do these things first.

Cite reliable research

First and foremost, people in your community need to understand COVID-19 before they can appreciate the vaccine. A lot of people are, unfortunately, misinformed about the virus and its effects. Studies found that there was a significant variation in the amount of information Americans have about COVID-19. That means the knowledge that each person has is significantly different, which is a serious health issue.

When people have different ‘facts’ about a virus, their responses would be affected. As seen in the past months, some would underestimate the virus because they believed it was not that serious. This also includes their willingness to accept a vaccine and policies regarding the closure of schools and public spaces. For the virus to be reduced and stopped, a significant number of the community has to be vaccinated. Around 80 to 95 percent, to be precise, the more people who get it, the better.

The best way to make your community informed is by citing reliable research. Many are easily swayed by false information on the internet. You have to be extra careful with what info you put out. Make sure that the research has proper citations and is reviewed by peers. Another thing to look out for is quantitative data or the presence of tests. These studies often employ the help of patient recruitment services to get better and more accurate results.

Inform them of their options

covid 19

Multiple countries and organizations have already developed their version of the COVID-19 vaccine. Some are more recommended than others, and certain vaccines may be ineffective for specific age groups. Thus, your community needs to know what options would be available to them and the side effects.

Currently, the US Food and Drug Administration has three authorized vaccines listed for emergency use. These are Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Pfizer and Moderna are said to provide 95 percent protection against the virus, but you need to take two shots for it to work. On the other hand, the Janssen vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson requires just one, but it has a 65 percent effectiveness and 85 percent effectiveness against severe symptoms.

Another thing to take note of is that these vaccines were tested on different age groups. Pfizer was authorized for those aged 16 and over. Moderna is cleared for those 18 and over, but tests done for children aged 12 to 17 are being done. Janssen is also authorized for those 18 and above.

The way these vaccines were tested has also varied. This is crucial because it can say a lot about the effectiveness of it. A good practice is to read up on each of them thoroughly to make a decision. All three had volunteers from 30,000 to 40,000 people, but two had volunteers from different parts of the world.

Let them know vaccines entail

Many people don’t fully understand how vaccines work, so they may be surprised by the results. They need to know that vaccines, despite being beneficial to the body, can have side effects. It can cause redness, tiredness, fever, headaches, and swelling. This means that your immune system is working on fighting and adapting to the new presence. However, it is also possible that you don’t experience any side effects at all.

Aside from that, it is essential to remind your community that being vaccinated does not mean that they are excused from health and safety practices. Being vaccinated means that you carry a weakened form of the virus, and your body has already developed an immunity to it. You won’t have the adverse effects or symptoms of it, but it is still there. Hence, you can very well infect those that are not vaccinated.

Because of this, it is important to continue wearing masks and practicing social distancing to avoid further spread, say experts. Your nose is an essential factor in this. In most diseases, it is the main port of entry, so every time you sneeze without a mask, you risk infecting someone. Take the necessary to protect not just yourself but also everyone around you.

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