Introduction to Juicing: Why a Slow Juicer Is Ideal

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Juicing is essential for people who have adopted a healthy lifestyle. With so many juicers available on the market, making a choice can be hard. There are two main categories of juicers: the fast and slow juicers. The difference between the two is in the process they get the job done.

A slow juicer, which is also referred to as a cold press juicer or masticating juicer, operates at less than 100 rotations per minute. A fast juicer, which is also known as a centrifugal juicer, rotates at over 1,000 rotations per minute, so it gets the job done quickly.

The slow shredding technique employed by slow juicers before squeezing out the content of juice ensures that you maximise on your produce. Experienced juicers tend to choose slow juicers, and there are many reasons for it. While both have a place in a healthy diet, integrating cold-pressed juices into your lifestyle has more benefits as shown below.

Excellent Quality

The quality of juice extracted is determined by how well the product’s fibres are broken down and the force used to separate the liquid from the pulp. Masticating juicers are slow and meticulous. They gently squeeze and press the produce leaving nutrients intact.

Negligible Oxidation

Cold-pressed juices can last longer than those from fast juicers. The slow process used by the former does not introduce as much air to the end product as the latter does. On the other hand, rapid speed generates a lot of heat and friction, which kills essential nutrients. Therefore, oxidation from slow juicers is negligible, which allows the juice to last up to 72 hours under refrigeration. Fast juicing results in oxidation. It can cause separation in the end product and also make juice have a short lifespan.

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Their process is thorough in breaking down the fresh products, which results in highly nutritious juices. The slow process allows the extraction of more nutrients and enzymes without diminishing their value. They also shred the product well enough to derive maximum enzymes and nutrients from it.

Higher Yield

The slow variety yields more, which makes it an ideal commercial juicer machine. It saves you money as you have to purchase fewer vegetables and fruits for juicing. This reserve can make such a huge difference, especially if you are juicing for commercial purposes. Also, it is energy-efficient, allowing you to save more money on power bills.

Easier Digestion

Drinking cold-pressed juice allows for fast absorption of nutrients. The nutrients become available to the body within a few minutes. This ease in the utilisation of the nutrients means that the juices can be used to replenish energy swiftly.

If you are investigating on the best juicer on the market for both commercial and domestic use, the benefits of settling for a slow juicer outweigh the convenience of time and speed factor offered by a centrifugal juicer. They can help you maximise the health benefits of juicing while being economical. Also, some masticating juicers can double up as grinders for coffee, baby food, peanut butter, and nut milk, making them all the more economically viable.

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