Employee Appreciation: Giving Recognition Through Relaxing Events

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Recognition for your employees’ hard work doesn’t always have to be given in the form of an awarding ceremony. More often than not, they would appreciate a break more than a plaque. One of the ways that you can give them one is to treat them to a holiday. If you’re trying to come up with ideas for letting your staff de-stress and loosen up from the stiffness of the workplace, here are a few that you might want to consider:

Cabin Outing

If you have the kind of company that values events such as team-building activities and holds them regularly, then going out and renting out a cabin in the middle of nature are not new to you. However, your goal here is not to get busy and train; your aim is to relax. There are many options to choose from, including several Bear Lake rentals, where you can be one with the wilderness. If you choose to go off-season, not only will you be able to have a good time as a group, but you’ll also be able to save quite a bit of money.

Snowy Surprise

You might be thinking of something more extreme in terms of activities and temperature instead. In that case, you can consider going on a ski or snowboard trip with your employees. Make arrangements with a trusted ski resort and maybe book some lessons with trainers as well. After you have your fun in the snow, you can warm up near the fireplace. Just like with cabins, you can also save a bit of money and crowd-induced stress if you make your reservations during the off-season.

Foodie Paradise

For some, the act of eating is already a method of relaxation. Holding a food fair will be perfect if you and your employees belong to that category of people. You don’t have to make any of the food yourselves, and you don’t have to restrict yourselves to a formal dining setting. Just invite some culinary groups over to serve you with delicious treats. Be creative about it, too. For example, you can give cooking schools an opportunity for their students to practice.

Spa Day

towels, flowers and stone at the spa

Of course, you don’t have to make too much of an effort when you want to let yourself and your people relax. Sometimes, a simple activity such as going to a spa is enough. Look for a reliable one that can accommodate the number of people you have as well as your budget. If you think that will be challenging, then you should know that there are certain spas that also offer to go to where you are and provide their services there. For one day, the office can turn from a workplace into a relaxation spot.

Providing a good amount of time to relax is not only a way to appreciate your employees for their hard work. It also helps them keep on doing it for the company, and for longer. Their bodies will be rejuvenated, and their morale will increase. Remember that you have a greater chance of earning the loyalty of your staff when you treat them well.

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