When You’ve Had Too Much Coffee, Try Fruit and Veggie Juices for Energy

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Coffee has been an essential part of a lot of people’s days. Without it, more workers and students will be snoozing on their desks.

The Everyday Cup of Joe

It is one of the most beloved beverages around the world. Between 2020 and 2021, about 166.63 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee were consumed worldwide, slightly higher than 164 million coffee bags consumed the year prior.

Statistics show that more people are drinking coffee every year. The lack of sleep, which is prevalent among adults everywhere, makes drinking coffee a daily necessity. Others consume the beverage socially as they hang out in coffee shops with family and friends. Some even drink decaffeinated coffee as a part of their evening routine as a way to relax at the end of a busy day.

Coffee has been found to provide a long list of benefits, including burning fat and weight loss, lowering the risk of certain types of cancer, and even preventing dementia. It is a good source of several essential nutrients like vitamins B2 and B5, manganese, potassium, and magnesium. In addition, it is the highest source of antioxidants, an important substance that protects the body from many diseases, in the Western diet.

However, anything in excess is bad. The overconsumption of coffee can lead to restlessness, headaches, dizziness, abnormal heartbeat, sleeplessness, anxiety, and dehydration. The regular consumption of coffee may also lead to dependency, which, over time, will push the body to consume more and more of the beverage. Coffee dependency will cause withdrawal symptoms, including irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, headaches, and tremors.

That is why many people are also trying to reduce their consumption of coffee to counter its negative effects, especially on their sleep. They are looking for alternatives that will give them a boost of energy without the jitters.

Juice is one of the better options.

The Power of Juices


Juice provides all the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables in a form that is much easier to consume and digest. Many people incorporate juices into their diet for an added boost in nutrition, but it can also take the role of coffee in your daily routine.

Many fruits and vegetables are good sources of energy. Americans already drink orange juice with their breakfasts for a dose of vitamin C. Besides helping the body fight infections, vitamin C reduces oxidative stress and prevents fatigue. Beets are also high in nutrients that improve blood flow and give an energy boost.

However, people should be careful about drinking fruits and vegetable juices. Most of those readily available on grocery shelves are full of processed sugars which gives a sudden burst of energy that cannot be sustained throughout the day. It will leave you feeling more tired after a few hours.

Go for businesses that use commercial juicers to extract liquid from fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also make juices for yourself at home, but make sure to only use fresh ingredients and none of the prepackaged stuff.

Smoothies are also healthy and provide sustainable energy. More importantly, these beverages contain fiber from the pulp. Fiber aids in the metabolism of natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables.

Other Alternatives to Coffee

There are plenty of other beverages that give similar benefits but without the negative side effects.

Green tea, for example, also has caffeine to improve alertness but in a lower concentration that guarantees better quality sleep every night. It also creates the opposite of coffee because, instead of anxiety, tea is known for relaxation. The ritual of preparing tea promotes calm — perfect for those who are under high levels of stress.

Mushroom coffee is also making waves as an alternative to the regular cup of Joe. It closely resembles the taste of regular coffee, but it has less caffeine. Moreover, it is usually made with medicinal mushrooms, which are high in adaptogens, a nutrient that shields the body from the impacts of stress.

A simple mix of hot water with a squeeze of lemon will hydrate the body, preventing headaches, fatigue, and brain fog — symptoms associated with dehydration. This drink is also good for weight loss and provides relief from muscle and joint stiffness.

For many people around the world, drinking coffee has become a habit, a part of their everyday routine. However, some are consuming too much of the beverage, which causes several unpleasant side effects. Those who are trying to cut back or quit altogether can find a myriad of healthier alternatives.

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