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Intellectual Disability Among Children: Breaking the Stigma

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While children are still early, they will need to experience different activities since this is the best time for them to learn. Whatever they will be learning at an early age will set the stage for much of their learning process later on in their life. However, the learning process for each child is different and unique in its way.

Most children that have intellectual disabilities will need more time and energy to learn different lessons. They may experience other challenges, not just in terms of learning, but also in different parts of while they are still growing up. Much of the public has a common notion that many of these children will become a “liability” to society and will need many resources for treatment and learning. But contrary to what most people think, the effects of intellectual disability among children will vary, and each child is unique in their own way.

Here’s what you’ll need to know about intellectual disability in children and some key ways of helping out children who have a hard time learning.

The Impact on Children

First and foremost, we have to discuss one of the major factors that will affect a child’s intellectual and cognitive development. In most cases, the symptoms of intellectual disability will depend on a variety of causes. That said, there’s really no one way of treating ID since strategies will need to be tailored to the child’s needs.

Fortunately, there are a variety of ways in knowing possible signs and early onsets of ID. Shortly after the birth of the child, you may see the following physical symptoms:

  1. Unusual shape and mass of both the hands and feet.
  2. Disproportionate mass of the head, with some being unusually big or small. Facial features will also play a role.

In most cases, children that exhibiting signs of intellectual disability will have the following physiological and motor function signs:

  1. Not having the right appetite to eat and growing within the “expected” developmental milestone for children.
  2. Children only a few months old will have difficulty developing the core motor functions, such as rolling over, crawling, walking, and standing up. In most cases, this will be delayed by a few months.
  3. In terms of their energy, they will easily feel tired, feel weak, and have seizures. Throwing up can also happen due to serious health complications.
  4. Much of their excrements, such as urine, will have an unnatural smell that’s different from other children.

Socially speaking, some of the symptoms can also be evident when they’re at school. Most children will have some difficulty in constructing words and stringing them together into sentences. This will usually result in having difficulty in making friends. In other situations, they will have problems with their anger, which can result in temper tantrums. This will usually lead to anxiety and depression later on in their life.

Managing Intellectual Disability

Although children with intellectual disabilities will have some problems with their development process, that doesn’t really stop experts and individuals from helping children with these disabilities. But like any medical condition, how these disabilities will be managed will be determined by the symptoms and the needs of these children.

It’s important to note that most disabilities don’t just affect children’s intellectual capacity but also physiological development. That said, managing these disabilities should be focused on children reaching optimum health so that any health complications can be dealt with quickly. Other goals should be focused on enhancing core functions, such as motor skills and cognitive development. Fortunately, a team of educators can help when it comes to the intellectual development of a child, whether they have disabilities or not. Some types of activities, such as speed reading exercises, are just some of the tried and tested strategies that can help with intellectual disability.

Although, it’s still important that parents work closely with a team of experts when monitoring their child’s development. This may include the following:

  1. School counselors and psychologists
  2. Special educators
  3. Nutritionists and pediatricians
  4. Speech and occupational therapists.

Remember: prevention is better than having to worry about complications in their development later on in life. As with any other condition, being able to discern early signs and symptoms can help parents and medical professionals intervene and significantly increase the chance of better outcomes for your child’s development process.

If you suspect your child is having challenges with their intellectual disabilities, it’s best to bring them to an expert that’s well-versed with child psychology that can conduct the necessary tests. Despite the social stigma that usually comes with intellectual disability, children can still enjoy having a normal life with the guidance and support of their parents.

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