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Steps to Transition to a Cleaner and Safer Beauty Routine

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The beauty industry has come a long way in recent years. Beauty companies and cosmetic manufacturers are investing in beauty technology to change more lives and rebuild confidence. One example is scalp micro-pigmentation treatment, a paramedical tattoo solution that addresses hair loss. Instead of solely relying on pricey hair transplants, this offers an alternative solution to achieving the look of a shaved scalp.

Beauty alternatives are becoming popular in the cosmetic market. Customers are turning to natural, eco-friendly beauty products with no harmful ingredients. Cosmetics and skincare products are among the least regulated industries, so it’s easy for companies to include toxic chemicals without being reviewed for safety. The discovery of harmful ingredients in skincare products made everyone aware of the ingredients they put on their skin and their environmental impacts.

This is where clean beauty comes in that promises safer beauty products that protect our health and well-being. This new beauty trend is not just for hippies and activists but for people who take clean, natural beauty very seriously. Transitioning from commercial beauty products to clean beauty can be tough work, especially if you can’t distinguish the two. To help you start your clean beauty journey, here are ways to switch to a safer beauty routine!

Get to know the movement

Before diving into the clean beauty bandwagon, it’s important to understand what it means. While there’s no standard definition, clean beauty focuses on two main characteristics: transparency and non-toxic ingredients. Transparency on the ingredients list is important because many manufacturers leave consumers confused about chemical content, while some refuse to disclose ingredients, which may contain toxic chemicals.

Non-toxic ingredients refer to substances with no harmful effects on the body. Today, many beauty products contain chemicals that cause health risks, such as organ toxicity, cancer risk, and hormone disruption. For these reasons, clean beauty aims to help customers to make informed choices when buying cosmetics.

While it’s clearly harmful to use toxic ingredients on your skin, regulating bodies have been slow to respond to this concern. Thus, it’s your job as a consumer to identify which products are toxic and non-toxic.

Start by familiarizing yourself with the ingredients list and knowing which ones you should avoid. These harmful chemicals include paraben, artificial fragrance, formaldehyde, toluene, and oxybenzone, to name a few. Instead, look for labels such as green, organic, and all-natural. But be careful on products that disguise themselves with these terms. Research first before trusting brands blindly.

Research clean beauty brands

While you can find commercial products almost everywhere, clean beauty brands may take a lot of work. The clean beauty market is undeniably underdeveloped because ingredients are hard to formulate and replicate than chemical ones. It’s also challenging to get consumers to buy them because they come at a bigger price tag and are not readily available. Often, clean beauty brands have to spend more than six times than what other companies are spending.

Social media is the home of many small businesses selling clean beauty products. Use this to your advantage to search for clean beauty brands and discover their product selections. Start by picking a few clean beauty brands and test some of their products. Starting small can help you switch easily to a clean beauty routine and avoid getting overwhelmed on product lineups. You can try these all-time favorite clean beauty brands: Beautycounter, Pevonia, Drunk Elephant, Fig + Yarrow, and Province Apothecary.

Switch them up

Now that you’re familiar with the clean beauty movements and brands, it’s time to audit your current products and their potential side effects. You don’t have to throw everything out instantly unless they’re harmful. Investigate first and introduce one product on your skin at a time.

If you’ve been hoarding skincare products, it’s best to reduce them and simplify your routine. You don’t need tons of moisturizers or lip balm — choose the one you think is essential for your skin and those you use daily.

After filtering out your products, investigate their safety levels and toxic content. Research about the manufacturing and packaging process and study unfamiliar terms you encounter. This will help you understand how safe these products are for personal use.

When switching products, prioritize the essential swaps. We’re talking about everyday beauty items, such as deodorant, sunscreen, shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, foundation, and lipstick. Replace these products with those from clean beauty brands.

Switching to a non-toxic, clean beauty routine is a perfect opportunity to know what your skin really needs. Besides the suggestions above, reach out to a licensed dermatologist to get personalized advice on starting your clean beauty routine.

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