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Wholesome and Organic Means of Dealing with Anxiety

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Anxiety is known for being a natural response of the body when it comes to reacting to external stimuli to the environment. When we see that we are in danger or close to danger, we tend to stay alert to ensure a higher likelihood of self-preservation. Anxiety, or worrying about something, is a natural means of our body dealing with unwanted situations and primes it for a fight-or-flight response.

But although anxiety is helpful and is known for being a natural evolutionary trait that has kept most of our ancestors alive and preserved, anxiety is also known for being detrimental to individuals’ productivity in their daily lives. In most cases, anxiety can also have consequences when it comes to social interactions.

There are millions of individuals that are affected worldwide by anxiety. Each year, there is a steady increase in young individuals who show symptoms of anxiety, which can ultimately lead to depression.

Still, anxiety is a condition that has affected a good chunk of people worldwide. While it is helpful, some people feel anxiety even when there is no underlying cause, which can often lead to anxiety disorders.

What Is Anxiety?

Right before we get into some organic ways of treating anxiety, we’ll need to know first some of its underlying causes.

Again, anxiety is a normal part of our daily lives and is one of the driving forces in finishing work. No one person in the world has not experienced anxiety, especially since it keeps us alert and ready to act. Normally, this is characterized as a feeling of (slight) discomfort, fear, and uncertainty in making decisions.

In some cases, anxiety can cause speech impediments during job interviews, interactions with others, and public speaking. Even politicians are known for getting performance anxiety and can easily have stage fright and speech impediments when they’re on the podium.

For others, extreme levels of anxiousness can happen when they’re driving or doing something that’s considered stressful. This is ultimately influenced by a person’s personal preference and previous history. For instance, military veterans can start having an anxiety attack if they start hearing loud bangs and noises from fireworks, which can trigger an onset of traumatic memories.

Much of this disorder can manifest in different forms. Contrary to what most of the general public thinks, dealing with anxiety can be a challenge. Most individuals ignore the feeling of it without them being aware that it’s already a symptom of a mental health disorder.

Although most individuals will seek professional help regarding this matter, there are different wholesome and organic ways of stopping anxiety in its tracks without any medication or help from professionals.

Wholesome Ways of Treating Anxiety

As to what we have discussed in the previous section, anxiety is a complex and complicated disorder, despite being one of the most common. Since the cause of anxiety can have a wide degree of variation, we’ll need to discuss different ways of treating it. Here’s what you’ll need to know:

Joining an Advocacy

One of the best and natural ways of stopping anxiety in its tracks is by confiding your worries with others and having a sense of community that you can rely on.

Having an organization and group that you can relate to and confide in your worries can help you with your anxiety. There are a variety of different advocacy groups that you can join. When it comes to mental health, more extensive research is needed in knowing different ways of helping individuals cope with anxiety, depression, and other mental ailments. Fortunately, you can sign up for patient advocacy organization partnerships that can help patients have a better life.


If your anxiety does interfere with your daily life, you might want to consider asking for professional help in the form of counseling. This is a more “organic” way of addressing anxiety rather than having to take medication. Most counselors will help give much-needed advice on mitigating the effects of anxiety on your daily life.

While certain prescribed forms of the medication do help with anxiety, this can also cause different health issues and even substance dependence, others with some physical side effects. Being able to address anxiety in a “healthier” manner can neutralize the disadvantages related to these medications.

Lifestyle Changes

What’s a great way of becoming calm while keeping yourself fit? Exercise and physical activities are a great way of releasing happy hormones that can help keep you calm, even when you’re feeling anxious.

Certain physical activities are geared towards relaxing the mind, such as yoga, hiking, and camping. You don’t necessarily have to do heavy-hitting exercises as simple as breathing exercises can help with anxiety.

There are different ways of dealing with anxiety without medication or spending a lot of money on psychotherapy sessions. Still, it’s important to remember that anxiety is part of life and shouldn’t be ignored. Taking long walks, exercising, finding a hobby, or even having friends, you can confide in are just ways of removing anxiety.

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