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The Road is Ready for Your next Move! Packing Efficiently

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Moving day would come inevitably for everyone, as the world has become smaller and offered people opportunities in other cities, states and countries. Whatever the case may be, a move signifies changes and a fresh start. Statistics say that approximately 20 million Americans choose to move between Memorial Day and Labor Day, a three-month window where nearly half of the population of the US make their move.

First Things First

So you’ve done your homework and done it well—you’ve found a reputable moving company. You’ve received free moving quotes from at least five movers, and you found one that has a proven track record, excellent customer service, answered all your questions patiently, and great liability coverage to boot. But you’re not ready to move. You need to pack.

Movers provide this service as well, but to save on cost, you could decide to do it yourself. But time is essential, and you have to be efficient and effective. The best time to start packing is at least three weeks to a month before the date of your move.

Get the Right Supplies

You don’t want to get interrupted when you’ve already started to pack. Here are the things you need before you start packing:

·         Boxes of different sizes

·         Packing tape

·         A pair of industrial strength scissors

·         Bubble wrap for your glass, porcelain or other fragile items

·         Old newspapers or magazines

·         Padding supplies like Styrofoam popcorns

·         Stick-on labels

·         Marker pens

How much or how many depends entirely on the number of items you’re packing, but make sure to arrange these items according to the room where you plan to put them, so the moving company will have no problem where to place the boxes.

Allow Enough Time

Rule of thumb for packing and moving: you’re going to be packing for far longer than you think. Three weeks to a month would be just the right amount of time to do all the packing you need. The last thing you want is for the moving company to be at your front door, and half the kitchen is still not packed. You should also start with items that you would use least, such as books, novelty items, decor items, game CDs, DVDs, consoles, and any collection.

Label Everything

Mark all your boxes with the area or room (kitchen, bathroom, garage) so you will know where to direct them when you reach your new place. Pack items that you know you will need immediately, such as toiletries, towels, change of clothes, so you will only grab that box on the first day at your new place.

Big boxes are not meant to be filled with heavy stuff, like books.  Put comforters, linen, beddings, and anything bulky but light in the bigger boxes. Books and other heavier stuff should be in the smaller boxes. This makes everything more manageable for both you and the movers.

Leave the drawers, dressers and chests full. Cut down on your use of boxes, as well as packing and unpacking times, by leaving your drawers, dressers and chests full. This maximizes space on the truck. Fill up all possible space in your furniture, but make sure they won’t pop open when movers are carrying them. The same goes for suitcases, although ideally, the clothes you’ve picked to wear in the next few days are readily available.

Sturdy trash bags are perfect for clothes as they can be stuffed in the truck, and will serve as protective layers for heavier items. If there are no more boxes, use trash bags. Just make sure to label these as well.

Protect and Label Fragile Items

For fragile items, you can use beach towels as padding for fragile items. Crystal glasses should be encased in sports socks so they won’t break if they clink against each other. Save blankets and beach towels for last, as you may find other uses for them.

Create an Inventory List

Keep a list of every box, suitcase and bags you use for packing your things. The moving company would be going down the list with you as they’re loading and unloading.

Moving, while seemingly daunting, is an adventure; part of that adventure is packing things that you need to help you start the next chapter in your life. The invaluable help of the professionals you hired from the moving company can help you start on your a new beginning.

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