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How to Sleep Better: 7 Tips for a More Restful Night

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Falling asleep is one of the most natural things to do, yet why is it that sometimes you can’t seem to drift off? Many factors may disrupt your sleep quality, which can lead to sleepless nights and tired mornings.

If you are finding it difficult to fall asleep, or if your sleep is being interrupted by symptoms such as insomnia or restless leg syndrome, you might want to go to an urgent care center to get checked out. But if you believe you can remedy this at home, here are seven tips you can follow to improve the quality of your sleep:

Tip #1 Get no more than eight hours of sleep

Sleep is essential for the body, as it helps you fully restore both physically and mentally. However, one of the main reasons people aren’t sleeping well often is because they try to get too much sleep. An adult’s recommended amount of sleep is between seven and nine hours per night.

If you are sleeping more than this, this can be disruptive to your sleep cycle. This is because your sleep can become lighter, and you can wake up more often. Sleeping past 9 hours is also not recommended because it may leave you feeling groggy when you wake up in the morning.

Tip #2 Avoid sleeping pills and alcohol

Sleeping pills can cause drowsiness and disrupt the natural sleep cycle, which is why you should avoid taking them unless a doctor prescribes them. Although alcohol helps you to fall asleep, the quality of your sleep is disrupted because alcohol causes a lighter stage of sleep and increased periods of wakefulness.

Instead of taking sleeping pills, you might want to consider taking melatonin supplements. Melatonin is a hormone responsible for regulating the body’s natural sleep cycle. This supplement helps you fall asleep faster and increases your total hours of sleep. If you are taking any medication regularly, make sure to talk with your doctor before you start taking melatonin supplements.

Tip #3 Avoid sugary foods and caffeine

Sugary foods contain theobromine and phenylethylamine, which can both disrupt sleep quality. Caffeine is also a stimulant that keeps you awake at night, so avoid drinking caffeinated beverages or eating sugary snacks in the evening.

If you can’t avoid drinking coffee, then you should drink it at least six hours before going to bed. You should also try to stop drinking coffee after 2:00 PM, as this will reduce the onset of sleepiness and minimize any potential caffeine-induced insomnia.

Tip #4 Turn off screens one hour before bedtime

The blue light from your screens stimulates the brain and keeps you awake. It is best to turn off your screens an hour before bedtime, as this will give your body time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Plus, you can still catch up with your favorite TV shows the next day by recording them if you are worried about missing out.

By doing so, you will improve your sleep quality because you are giving your body time to relax and prepare for sleep. This is one of the best ways to make sure you do not wake up feeling exhausted, as it will leave you feeling refreshed by the morning.

Tip #5 Use the bedroom only for sleep

One of the tricks that can help people fall asleep more quickly is creating a ‘sleep haven.’ This means that you should only use the bedroom for sleeping, so turn off all electrical appliances and let go of any stress so that you can fully relax.

Another aspect of creating a sleep haven is to make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and free from noise. You should also avoid looking at the clock when you wake up at night, as this can leave you feeling stressed and anxious.

Tip #6 Avoid napping during the day if possible

Napping during the day is often disruptive to your night-time sleep because it causes your body to adjust its natural rhythm. If you are struggling to sleep at night, it’s best to avoid any daytime napping.

But if you can’t avoid napping during the day, make sure you only nap for up to 30 minutes and keep it no later than 5:00 PM. Also, avoid sleeping in late because this will make you feel more tired come night-time, and it can disrupt the quality of your sleep.

Tip #7 Exercise regularly

Regular exercise helps regulate sleep patterns and can improve the quality of your nightly rest. It is recommended that you do at least 2½ hours of exercise each week; if this is difficult, then aim for 20 to 30 minutes per day.

This will help you get a good night’s sleep because exercise releases endorphins, which can help you relax and improve your mood. Exercise is also a great stress reliever, so by taking up exercise, you will eliminate any built-up stress that could be causing you problems with your sleep.

It is essential to incorporate these seven tips into your daily routine to start reaping the benefits of a good night’s sleep. If you stick to a regular schedule and maintain a positive mindset, you will get the most out of your sleep every night.

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