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Getting a Second Chance: Finding Hope with Employment

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To say life is a roller coaster ride is a very accurate description. We all go through highs and lows and, no matter how much we hate it, we have to experience the lows for us to realize the most important things about life. Those who could say they’ve been through the worst part of their lives are fortunate because, as they say, when you’re at your lowest, you can’t go anywhere but up.

When life events get utterly bad and too overwhelming for us to handle, we could make bad decisions, some with irreversible consequences. But, when we realize it’s time to get up from being stuck in a negative mind space for so long, we find that we should move forward anyway despite the mistakes we’re embarrassed we have made in the past. Those who have had a history of drug dependence could deeply relate to such major life shifts.

At one point, drugs have taken center stage in all your daily dealings and decisions; it was hard to stop knowing it’s one of the few things that could give you instant gratification in a life that’s naturally filled with struggle. But you had to learn the hard way that running away from your problems will not solve them and that all great things take time and effort. That’s when you decided to get your drug addiction, including meth, treated in a rehabilitation center.

Getting initiated back into society, you’re fully aware that picking up where you left off would not be easy but, unlike before your journey to your sobriety, you’re now ready to face challenges head-on. You also now have a deeper sense of purpose and contribute something of value to society. And so, despite the fear of prejudice, you persevere to be heard of your pitch and what you can offer to a company in case they hire you.

Everyone is entitled to a second chance, which is true in rehab graduates getting employed. The way to employment could be hard, but it’s too early to be discouraged. There are ways to help you better land a job opportunity aside from those that you may be doing now:

Be Honest

As with any topic of concern in the workplace, you should act with integrity when you submit an application and are interviewed for it. Be transparent about your drug use history and be thorough in walking them through your journey to recovery. While you can be honest with your areas for improvement, it’s best practice to highlight your strengths, particularly those that you can use to advance the company’s goals.

You may not believe it, but more and more companies in the U.S. are becoming receptive to the idea of second-chance hiring. With this, recruitment managers are aware of the confidential management of your records, and these organizations are trained on non-discrimination of talent. Still, they are rather urged to give second-chance hires like you a comprehensive career progression plan as a way to nurture whatever potentials they might discover in you. So, there’s to feed your peace of mind.

Don’t Lose Hope

Think of your future job as your way of giving back to the community that has accepted you back despite your past irresponsibility. Having this sense of purpose will inspire you to keep striving no matter how many times you get rejected. Concerning rejections, it’s okay to look back on failed interviews, but don’t overthink how they took your responses. Instead, focus on ways to better approach the questions by self-reflecting and being guided by certain tactics.

Acquire New Skills

If your applications have been constantly declined, chances are the posts you tried to qualify for require more experience than you already have. In that case, you can perform volunteer work as a means to ramp up your resume. Volunteering could also help you expand your corporate network and even possibly meet great life advisers.

Another route you could take is to become skilled in a specific trade of your interest. Don’t be afraid to try as many things as you want until you find that one you can see yourself doing for a long time, if not for life. Some training courses provide apprenticeship programs, which could eventually land you a job. Although this job may not be your desired one, it could be the perfect entry point to get you there.
Returning to the community after rehab will require you to get a job. Getting a job is tough, but it is important to remember that, above having a job, you were given a fresh start. And so, you should cherish your life and spend it with optimism.

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