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Long-distance Swims: What You Need to Prepare

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You can learn long-distance swimming if you’re a swimmer who’s interested in taking their passion to the next level. It’s easy to step in a pool and do laps for daily exercise, but triathlon competitions, such as Ironman, are true feats. Find out more on how to become an accomplished long-distance swimmer by reading on. As you practice for your first long-distance swim, we’ll provide you with standard training programs and other helpful ideas.


It will keep you from expending a lot of your endurance and energy if you reach, pull, and glide from one side to the other since it helps your body streamline with the water. If you want to improve your technique, enroll in an individual swimming lesson with an expert or join a master’s swim team near you. To win a race, you need to improve your stroke.

Additionally, remember to have your ears checked before swimming, or you’ll be susceptible to otitis externa (swimmer’s ear). If you think you have a wax buildup, try considering microsuction to remove ear wax. Although it protects your ears, having too much can also trap water inside the canal, leading to infection.

Master your breathing technique

Professional long-distance swimmers are experts when it comes to breathing patterns. Sudden, uneven inhalation of air might cause you to tire more quickly and slow your speed. On the other hand, steady and even breathing patterns will keep you on track. Consider the strategy when working on your breathing.

Fully exhale

we tend to hold back on exhaling while we’re working up a sweat since it’s a person’s instinct to try to conserve air. When the body is forced to breathe shallowly, it becomes fatigued more quickly. As you swim, exhale entirely the moment you put your face in the water.

Once you do, your nose should emit a continuous stream of bubbles. In the absence of a complete exhalation, carbon dioxide builds up in the body. As a result, you’ll quickly feel like you’re running out of air. Be patient when breathing. Take deep inhales and exhales that are long and thorough.

Maintain a Rhythm

Create a rhythm by connecting your breath with your movements. It can provide efficient use of energy. As athletes breathe and move, they often internally chant a mantra to focus. It can be as simple as counting “one” for inhaling and “two” for exhaling.

Alternate sides

For long-distance swimmers, it can be helpful to breathe alternately on the left and right sides. In open water races, switching sides when breathing can make you more aware of your environment. Additionally, it can also help swimmers stay on track. Most of the time, one-sided breathing needs consistent course adjustment to maintain a straight line while swimming.

Proper Diet

When working out, you’ll get better results if you fuel yourself appropriately through your diet. Considering how many calories you expend when swimming, you’ll want to replenish your energy by eating foods that will help you gain muscle. Complex carbs, such as whole-wheat bread and veggies, should be consumed throughout the day, whereas you should consume simple carbs shortly before a workout. You can strengthen muscles by consuming high-quality protein sources such as lean meat, fish, milk, and eggs.

Mental Preparation

When it comes to racing, you’re the one who decides whether you’ll have a successful or horrible day and that often entails plenty of mental preparation. Here are a few strategies to get you in the appropriate frame of mind to perform at your peak level:


Your confidence comes from acknowledging you’ve done everything you can to get ready for a fantastic swim. Gaining self-confidence means swimming the distance a couple of times. You’ll be less intimidated by a swim’s numerical value if you already did it before.

Be at ease in your surroundings

This relates to your training. If you’ve experienced swimming in a frigid pool or lake, the surroundings during your long swim won’t scare you. Also, make sure you experience how long you’ll be in the water. Do you plan to swim 8 miles (12.87 km)? Long periods in the water can cause problems like chafing, exhaustion, and extreme cold or heat.


This involves both physical and mental preparation. You’ve done both the training and the distance. To be sure you’ve covered all the bases, go over it multiple times in your head, from loading to the post-race celebration.

Final Thoughts

Long-distance swimming brings tension and satisfaction at the same time. Distance swimming requires planning, whether you want to add more laps to your workout or to prepare for a triathlon’s swimming portion. As long as you keep these suggestions in mind, you’ll have proper preparation to take on the task. Enjoying the calming power of swimming and seeing your development will provide you with a great deal of delight.

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