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Postpartum Care: Staying Healthy After Having a Baby

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Although looking after your newborn has likely become your priority, you must also take care of yourself for your baby’s and your well-being. Whether you delivered vaginally or by C-section, your body has experienced trauma during the process. By helping yourself recover properly, you give yourself the chance to become the best mom you can be.

Here are the top self-care tips every new mom needs to follow to start their healing journey the best way possible.

Get Plenty of Rest

Getting enough rest is vital to help your body recover at the ideal rate and help you stay in top-condition to care for your newborn correctly. So, every time you get the chance to unwind and rest, grab the opportunity to take a nap or relax. It’s unlikely that your newborn will sleep in the duration of “normal hours” that most people are used to, so when your baby sleeps, sneak some rest too.

Resting as much as you can help speed up the recovery while keeping you top-notch health, and when you do this, you’ll be able to do more, such as getting a mommy makeover. It’s a “package” of different cosmetic surgeries that new mothers take to regain their pre-pregnancy figure fast. Usually, it includes a regular tummy tuck, breast augmentations, and additional specials like Botox treatments, so you can come out positively glowing and looking fresh.

Hire a Helping Hand

Whether you’re having your first baby or fifth child, hiring a helping hand is always a great idea, especially for the first week. You can ask your family members or friends to assist you with chores, childcare, and running errands. Doing this frees some time in your new and busy schedules, fundamental in fast postpartum recovery, ensuring your overall health. So, don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Eat Right and Exercise Lightly

Most new mothers look to “lose” their baby weight as fast as they can, but going on a crash diet can harm you and your baby, especially when you’re breastfeeding. That’s why you need to ensure you’re eating nutritionally balanced meals, with the following food groups present in each meal:

Besides eating correctly, new mothers are often advised to do light exercises, such as walking or stretching. Doing this helps speed up the recovery. Generally, during the initial week after giving birth, walk a bit more around your home and slowly increase the lengths of your walks as time goes on.

Look After Your Delivery Zone

Regardless of the kind of delivery you went through, there will be some pain and discomfort afterward. However, by taking care of your “delivery zone,” you’ll heal and feel more comfortable in no time. After a vaginal delivery, expect some pain in your genitals for an entire week or longer. The duration depends on if you had a tearing issue, have stitches, or experienced any complications while giving birth. The best way to ease the pain for this delivery is soaking in a Sitz bath or spraying Dermoplast in the affected area.

Meanwhile, if you delivered your baby via a C-section, be careful of your incision and follow everything your doctor says, and generally avoid doing any excessive physical activity. You may experience heavy vaginal bleeding for one to two weeks after giving birth, regardless of the delivery method, and have to wait for at least six weeks before having sex again.

Know When to Contact Your Doctor

Although you’ll likely feel pain or general discomfort after having your baby, if you think the sensations you’re experiencing are too overwhelming, you must contact your physician immediately. The symptoms or red flags you need to be on the lookout for include severe headaches, heavy vaginal bleeding, blood urine, depression, or your stomach incisions are releasing pus.

The postpartum period or the time your body goes back to its ‘original state’ involves moving through several physical and emotional changes. This time can be challenging, especially now that you have someone depending on you to grow up healthily. Luckily, the tips mentioned can make the process easier for you—allowing you to look, feel, and be healthy after giving birth.

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