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Normalizing 3 Health Conditions Tagged as Embarrassing

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The human body is very complex. Most individuals will have the same number of organs made up of thousands of unique cells that allow them to carry on living. But while there are similarities between human beings, it should be noted that no two people are the same because even identical twins have differences in their DNA structures.

This means that despite years upon years of studying the human body, it would be impossible to create an overarching blueprint of humanity. That’s because of it were that easy, then medical communities wouldn’t be struggling to develop cures for orphan and rare diseases.

Medical conditions affect people and manifest in different ways. Some symptoms are mostly unnoticeable, but some can be downright uncomfortable especially because they manifest in embarrassing manners. Having such symptoms can force individuals to suffer in silence.

This is because many uneducated people tend to humiliate others for something that is beyond their control. That’s why it’s important to raise awareness and normalize the medical conditions tagged as embarrassing so that those who experience them won’t be discouraged from seeking the help they need.

Erectile Dysfunction

Over 18 million men suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) in the United States alone. But despite this high number of cases, plenty of men may still feel uncomfortable talking about their inability to achieve or maintain an erection to perform well during sexual intercourse.

What they might not know is that ED can be indicative of a more serious underlying health problem. However, because they feel embarrassed talking about their situation, they might disregard the issue without seeking medical help. Or they could go online and look for ways to solve the problem on their own.

But not talking about the problem can create a bigger problem in the end. Normalizing ED as a common health condition that shouldn’t arouse feelings of shame may encourage men to consult doctors. They might even be more inclined to get a non-invasive ED treatment to reverse the effects of ED on their sexual activities.


It’s normal for vaginas to have a certain smell because they remain quite acidic to allow healthy bacteria to grow. Discharging white, clear, or watery fluids throughout the day is also normal because it’s a healthy bodily function. That’s why women shouldn’t be shamed for something that is beyond their control.

But a change in smell or color of discharge can be an indication of something more serious. Unflattering odors, itchiness, and abnormally-colored discharge can be symptoms of vaginitis. This is the medical term used to describe disorders that cause an infection or inflammation of the vagina.

However, because the symptoms of the medical condition can manifest in “embarrassing” ways, many women are discouraged from seeking help for fear of being humiliated. They may resort to online channels to remain anonymous or try to solve the problem on their own by using various products.

This can lead to more problems in the long run mainly because it will only solve the superficial symptoms, such as masking the unpleasant vaginal odors. What women might not know is that these symptoms can also be brought about by vaginal or cervical cancer in severe cases.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Having intercourse is one of the most natural activities that people can engage in to express their sexuality, which is why it’s being introduced to adolescents through sex education in high school. But sadly, the curricula for sex education aren’t very comprehensive because there isn’t enough information provided for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and safety during intercourse.

It’s important to educate adolescents about the consequences of unsafe sex because it can raise awareness rather than stigmatize those who suffer from STDs. This is the reason why the rates for STDs are at an all-time high, and it’s now being treated as a health crisis.

STDs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, and HIV are more common than you might think. But because it is considered a taboo topic and contracting an STD is treated as a humiliating act, people who have them are forced to suffer in silence.

This deters people who are seriously ill from seeking medical help because others may treat them like the plague that should be avoided. Despite STDs being highly contagious, it’s important to note that they can only be transmitted through sexual contact or direct exposure through the bloodstream.

Raising awareness, educating the masses, and destigmatizing health conditions can encourage more people to seek the appropriate help before their situations worsen. Normalizing these medical conditions can help people feel less embarrassed and more empowered to resolve the issues within their bodies.

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