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Living Off-the-Grid: What You Need to Stay Clean and Hygienic

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Living off the grid may become popular these days as people try to avoid the city due to the pandemic. There are several advantages of living off-the-grid, including lower energy costs, a smaller carbon footprint, and increased environmental awareness. On the other hand, there are also a couple of challenges, such as space requirements and startup expenses.

But one significant challenge people have to face is how can they keep themselves clean and hygienic. This is a practical concern especially with the current situation and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has highlighted its importance.

Here are some things they can do to maintain their cleanliness and hygiene even if they’re living off the grid.

Personal Hygiene

A travel shower or a solar shower is a useful device when people are living off-the-grid. They can use it to take a shower after letting the water warm-up using the sun. Showering in a wading pool allows people to catch used water. The used water can be used to water plants or flush toilets. Waterless body washes may also work for people who have no access to clean water or a shower.

Having a supply of anti-bacterial gel or sanitizing liquid is also a good idea if people plan to live off the grid. If the gel is unavailable, a supply of soap is also good to have. This allows people to regularly disinfect and wash their hands. To keep the teeth nice and clean, a good toothbrush and toothpaste will do. But if people want to go high-tech, they can have a teeth-whitening LED light device. To ensure the device is charged properly, a mobile solar power charger can be used to charge it.

Washing Clothes

Taking a shower, washing one’s hands, and keeping teeth clean is not enough when people live off-the-grid. They should also ensure their clothes are clean as well. Wearing dirty clothing can affect one’s health and causes issues with the cleanliness of the home. Due to this, it’s important to clean one’s clothes.

Living off-the-grid means access to electricity is not available. With this, people need to know how to wash clothes manually. A good source of water is also needed. So, long before people settle in their location, they should make sure they find a good source of clean water.

Aside from the traditional way of washing clothes by hand, people can also use the plunger method. This method needs a clean and unused toilet plunger. They can put dirty clothes inside a bucket or basin and fill it with water. After water, they can add detergent or baking soda.

After letting the clothes soak and loosen dirt, they can start using the plunger and rapidly plunging it into the bucket or basin. They can mimic the action of a washing machine for a few minutes. Then they can drain it and rinse the clothes with clean water before letting them dry under the sun.

The ultraviolet light from the sun can also help “clean” the clothes. They have to make sure both sides are exposed to the sun, so it’s necessary to turn them after several hours.

Cleanliness in the Kitchen

Since the kitchen is an important part of the home where nutritious food is made, it’s also necessary to keep it clean. The first thing to remember to keep the kitchen clean is for people to wash their hands before they prepare the food. This can prevent the spread of bacteria that can cause diseases.

Clean water and soap should also be available in the kitchen. If clean water and soap aren’t available, antibacterial sanitizer can be used in their place. It is also important to ensure all utensils and kitchen equipment are cleaned before and after they are used. While it may use a good amount of water, it’s better than getting sick after someone prepared food on a dirty cutting board using a dirty knife.

Garbage Disposal

Proper garbage disposal is another thing people should consider when they’re planning to live off-the-grid. While some people store trash before bringing it to the landfill every few weeks, this may not be practical for others.

Burning trash may be a tempting option, but it’s prohibited in several states. Aside from being a health hazard, it’s also dangerous to the environment. They may consider this if they live far from civilization and there’s no risk of starting a much bigger fire.

But it may be practical for people to minimize the trash they produce. They can even use food waste as compost material that they can use for a garden. They can essentially follow the three Rs of environmental protection and reuse, reduce, and recycle what they can from the garbage they produce.

Living off-the-grid may be an appealing idea to avoid the virus, it’s still essential to practice cleanliness and good hygiene to remain healthy and fit.

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